

人气:494 ℃/时间:2022-02-01 05:31:02

1、Nurture passes nature.教养胜过天性。

2、Be your bset self. 做最好的自己。

3、Judge not from appearances. 人不可貌相,海不可斗量。

4、Hold On, Pain Ends. 坚持住,痛苦终会过去。

5、While there is life there is hope. 一息若存,希望不灭。

6、Bravery never goes out of fashion.勇敢永远不过时!

7、Sharp tools make good work.工欲善其事,必先利其器。

8、Slow and steady wins the race. 稳扎稳打无往而不胜。

9、Either tolerate or be cruel. 要么忍,要么残忍。

10、Do not compromise your dreams. 不要向你的梦想妥协。

11、Actions speak louder than words. 行动胜过语言。

12、Have you, a dream, you have the world! 有你,有梦,有世界!

13、Time and tide wait for no man.岁月无情;岁月易逝;岁月不待人。

14、Quitters never win and winners never quit. 退缩者永无胜利,胜利者永不退缩。

15、Jack of all trades and master of none.门门精通,样样稀松。

16、True gold fears no fire. 真金不怕火炼。

17、Self-distrust is the cause of most of our failures.我们绝大多数的失败都是因为缺乏自信之故。

18、I am a slow walker , but I never walk backwards. 我走得很慢,但是我从来不会后退。

19、To make each day count. 让每一天都有意义。

20、Whatever is worth doing at all is worth doing well.凡是值得做的事,就值得做好。

21、Youth is not lose love spell will win. 青春不言输爱拼才会赢。

23、All things in their being are good for something.天生我才必有用。

24、Indulge in publicity without fear. 放纵张扬,无所畏惧。

25、You are strong enough to hurt me. 你尽管来伤,我各种坚强。

26、All things in their being are good for something. 天生我才必有用。

27、The killer is not too cold. 这个杀手不太冷。

28、Bad times make a good man.艰难困苦出能人。

29、Don’t give up and don’t give in. 不要放弃,不要言败。

30、Live like sunflower whom forever follow sun. 像向日葵一样向着太阳生活。

31、It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop. 只要不停下脚步,走多慢都没事。

32、Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.脑中有知识,胜过手中有金钱。

33、Do not teach fish to swim. 不要班门弄斧。

34、To him that does everything in its proper time,one day is worth three.事事及时做,一日胜三日。

35、Constant dropping wears the stone.滴水穿石。

36、You only live once, Make it count. 你只活一次,使它有意义。

37、Men are cruel, but Man is kind. 群众是残忍的,但个人是善良的。

38、Do as most men do and men will speak well of thee.照大多数人那样干,人们会把你称赞。

39、Conquer yourself rather than the world. 征服你自己,而不是去征服世界。

40、A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.浅学误人。

41、The morning sun never lasts a day.好景不常;朝阳不能光照全日。

42、Your attitude determines your height. 你的态度决定你的高度。

43、A lofty ambition, the heart of the world. 志存高远,心系天下。

44、Let bygones be bygones.过去的就让它过去吧。

45、She has a powerful personality. 她有坚强的个性。

46、Be real with me, or just leave me alone. 真诚待我,否则就请离我远点儿。

47、Difficult circumstances serve as a textbook of life for people.困难坎坷是人们的生活教科书。

48、Stop the pain and leave the smile to tomorrow.把痛苦停在昨天把微笑留给明天。

49、Don’t give up and don’t give in. 不要放弃,不要言败!

50、Never say die.永不放弃。

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