

人气:308 ℃/时间:2023-03-02 12:13:56


No one can bargain with life〖28字〗

二,我们听过很多道理 缺依然过不好这一生。〖19字〗

We have heard a lot of reasons and still can't live this life well〖67字〗

三,因为人们都会犯错 铅笔的后面才有橡皮擦。〖20字〗

Because people make mistakes, there is an eraser behind the pencil〖65字〗


The world you experience when you are penniless makes you more thorough〖71字〗


I don't know how many slaps I have been slapped by life〖56字〗


Pass by like a stranger without saying a word〖45字〗

七,迷茫一词 概括了这个时代所有年轻人的现状 。〖21字〗

Confusion sums up the present situation of all young people in this era.〖71字〗

八,金钱除开生死不能买, 其他都可以。〖16字〗

Money can't be bought except life and death〖44字〗

九,当你遇到 舍得给你买一千多的香水 三四千买项链 一万多买手机 自己25的烟都不舍得抽的人你再相信爱情吧。〖52字〗

When you meet someone who is willing to buy you more than 1,000 perfumes, 3,400 necklaces and more than 10,000 mobile phones, you are not willing to smoke 25 cigarettes. Believe in love again〖185字〗


People have to sink to float.〖28字〗


Some roads I didn't choose but were forced to accept.〖53字〗

十二,我一直很清醒 清醒地看着自己沉沦。〖18字〗

I've been watching myself sink.〖31字〗


Some things can't be forgiven, and it's the most unfair kindness not to retaliate!〖82字〗

十四,有人等烟雨 有人怪雨急 有人在等伞 有人等雨停。〖25字〗

Some people wait for the misty rain, some people blame the rain, some people wait for the umbrella, some people wait for the rain to stop〖134字〗

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